My hands no longer wake me up in the middle of the night. Only once since I took the prescribed remedy did that happen again. I am sleeping well. I have been struggling with a morning cough that is worrisome and although my wrists do not wake me up in the middle of the night, I know that they are not right. They crackle and ache throughout the day. Somedays it's worse than others. These are things I will mention to the doctor when I see her in a couple of weeks.
This week I am going to give myself a test of endurance. I am still limited by my physician to a maximum of 30 hours per week and no more than a seven hour day. I have been working six hour days pretty consistantly and this week I am going to bump it up to seven and see how I do. I have a doctors appointment coming up on February 23rd and I would like to be able to ask the doctor to let me return to work full time.
Don't get me wrong. I really enjoy 30 hours a week. It is a nice balance of being able to be at work and be at home but what continues to loom over me is "disability". I'd like to be done with that.
To be done with that, however, does mean that I need to return to work full time.
What this time has taught me though....
- My children and my husband have to know that they are more important than my job. I may say it to them daily but it will be my actions that speak louder than words.
- It is important to make time to volunteer in school and at church where my kids can see that I think school, and their teachers, church and our faith are important.
- Planning and communicating the plan makes life easier on everyone. Meals, activities, meetings, etc...
- Too much is just that...too much. Pick your battles. Chose what is most important. Give back in a way that feels right and honest.
- Smile. Life is full of blessings but you must have your eyes and your heart open to see them.
Please pray that I am physically able to return to work full time. Please pray that I don't lose balance when that happens. Please pray that the cough and the wrists are nothing to worry about and "this too shall pass".
Thanks for checking in.