Monday, January 10, 2011

The appointment and more....

The appointment with Dr. Cohen was pretty good. My symptoms are improving. She still hears a bit of "Velcro" in my lungs and because of that is going to increase my cytoxin. Although I don't understand the reasoning behind this decision, it has something to do with getting my white blood cell counts to drop. They remain in the normal range and I guess they want to see them drop to maximize the effectiveness.
The other thing I have going for me (sarcasm) is this terrible rash/breakout on my face and my back. It's been on and off but yesterday and today it's awful. I wear a mineral makeup that has been pretty effective in reducing the redness but today I feel as if I could tear my back off (if only I could reach the really itchy spot) and my face looks and feels awful. I called Dr.Cohen to check and see if it could possibly be the switch from prednisone to hydrocortisone and although she doesn't think so, she did recommend I go back on the prednisone and schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. By now you all know how I feel about prednisone. I have only been off of it for 10 days. Give me a break! I don't want to take it so I am seeking a second opinion and going to see my internal medicine doctor this afternoon. You would think I could wait until Thursday to see a dermatologist but I don't know that doctor and they don't know me and I don't want to take prednisone. I know, I probably sound like an absolute pouty toddler, sorry about that. It just seems like if it isn't one thing it's another.
Did I tell you I have a mantra for the month of January?
It is a bible verse, Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things in Christ Jesus who strengthens me."
My sister Beth has this verse in multiple places and uses it to keep her going as it relates to exercise. I thought it would be a great way to kick off the new year with all the goals and resolutions that typically are committed to in January.
When I am heading for chocolate or not heading to the gym or at the gym swimming laps or walking on the treadmill ....this is the verse that I say to help me keep going or to help me stop depending on what the situation is.
I already have my verses/mantras picked out for February and March but you will have to check back then to find out what they are.
In the mean time, take care of you.....
Kris B

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

January 1st marks the first day in a VERY, VERY long time that I have not taken any prednisone. I moved from prednisone to hydrocortisone and will continue to taper down for there.
December our home was plagued with sick people. Emma fought pneumonia, both kids fought the flu, and Bill has cared for them and nursed them back to health while fighting with his own cough and cold. Just after Christmas I found myself fighting some of the same symptoms. It's important that when I am not feeling well that I stay really aware of whats going on. My lungs are compromised and even a small infection could quickly spiral out of control and cause more damage. For this reason I called my lung doctor and said "I have a cough, should I be concerned?" She said take some mucinex to loosen it up and head in for a chest xray. I thought this was a little much but I trust her so off I went to the hospital.
GREAT lungs look better than they did the last time. The cytoxin and the prednisone have done their job. So, the blessing of this cough and cold was getting xray and the call that my lungs are looking good! One less worry for the new year.
This week I see Dr Cohen (rheumatologist) and get my monthly lab work done. I will let you know how I am progressing after that appointment.
The posts are fewer and far between and although I miss writing, it means that I am feeling better and off doing other things.
God's blessings to you today and throughout the new year.
Kris B