Sunday, September 23, 2007

The ups and downs of prednisone

OK, I followed doctors orders and took my first 10mg of prednisone on Friday when I got home from work.
Number one reason why I don't like it came to be around 12:00 midnight on Friday night/Saturday morning...My body is tired and my head is wired. I could not fall asleep. I read, I snuggled in with the kids for a little bit and watched them sleep, I read some more, I watched TV, I prayed that I would fall asleep so that I could get up and go to work in the morning and have a fun weekend with my kids.
I did not fall asleep.
I got up and was at work by 7:45 AM however, I couldn't make it until noon and had to excuse myself shortly after 10:00 AM. Of course, now, in the middle of the day when I want and need to be active, my brain is ready to rest and my body is in full agreement. Thankfully I work with a wonderful group of people who excused me with their blessing and held down the fort until the branch closed at noon.
Now, that was a down...let's see...what's the upside?

Well, it's taking me awhile to think of something. I'm more comfortable. My arms don't hurt as much and last night I was able to fall asleep and sleep through the night. Another good thing...I only have to take it once a day, in the morning, so my body will adjust to it's effects much more quickly.
Here's the deal...there are things in our life we can control but their are also things in our life that we have to let go of and let God take over. At the same time making the most of each day and what we are given.
In church this morning a family friend who keeps up on my blog said she really enjoys reading it. I am appreciative of her kind words and shared with her that it's therapeutic for me to sit and type about how I am feeling and what's going on with me. It's a lot easier than telling someone face to face or talking about it daily.
Maybe one of the reasons I have been met with this challenge is to help other people with the challenges they need to face.
It has definitely made me look at my life a little differently. If you ever find yourself feeling down and out make a list. Write down a bad thing followed by a good thing, bad thing, good thing, and so on...If your good things don't outweigh the bad things, call me....I'll help you out.
Have a great week.
Kris B
PS- How about those Packers and Badgers? What a great weekend to watch football!!!!
PSS - I had a wonderful weekend with my kids and my family.

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