Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today's appointment

Today was my monthly appointment with Dr. Cohen. I try to go prepared with a list of concerns and observations so that we can make the most of our time together. Todays list consisted of the following bullet points
  • I have scheduled an appointment with the GI doctor she referred me to. That appointment is November 19th
  • I recommitted to Weight Watchers on October 1st. I need to have control over some aspect of my life
  • Twice over the past week while I was resting I woke up startled and choking on my spit
  • I've noticed some stiffness in my hip and pelvis area over the past few days
  • Per her instructions I have not gone to the gym in a week. My arms do not feel better and actually feel slightly worse (weak, tired and achy). I want to go to the gym for my mind, body and spirit. Would 10 minutes a day be an OK place to start?
  • Tremors (shaking hands) I have noticed my hands and fingers shaking more. I believe it is because my neck and arms are more tired. Slightly worse on the left side/
  • Could she run labs to check my Vitamin D levels, Anemia and Thyroid?
  • When are my next lung and heart check ups

Now, that's a pretty complete list and we got through the whole thing. The lab work was drawn and the results will be in over the next few days. She will forward them on to an endocronologist to review if she sees any flags or warning signs.

She also ordered the following:

A Pulmunary Function Test (test to check my lung input and output), a CT scan of my chest (heart and lungs), an EMG with the neurologist at Froedert and the one that kind of threw me for a loop was a MRI of my brain. She was really concerned about bringing this up and was very attentive to how I responded to this suggestion. I told her I was not a worrier by nature (once upon a time in my life I believe I may have been the worlds greatest worrier. Look what life has taught me) and that a test is just a test until the results come in. If you don't do the test, you don't know the results and if you don't know the results, you don't know what your might be up against and you can't put a plan in place. Knowledge is Power. On the way home however I was thinking about it a little more and I thought I should have mentioned that I was a banker and if she needed help with her finances I would be very comfortable being that person for her. In the same manner, I am glad that she is my health expert. I will take her advise knowing that she worked very hard to be in the role that she is in today. I trust her. I absolutely believe she has my very best interest, my very best health and treatment in mind.

Until the results come back in, there will be no changes or adjustments to my medication or treatment. The prednisone will continue at the same dose for at least another 30 -60 days unless of course the labs work would indicate a need for a change. Now, to leave the blog entry on a very positive note....the test of my neck was significantly improved over the last time and at WW I lost 3.8 pounds this week.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Great closing, Kris! You've inspired me to get back to WW myself, we have an at-work session, so you and I can compare notes. Already planning your pumpkin dessert for Thanksgiving!
My friend Karen sent me an email today with this GREAT thought o' the day: When we come to the edge of the light we know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, of this we can be sure: Either God will provide something solid to stand on, or we will be taught to fly.