It's 3:30 AM and for the third time, or is it the fourth time, this week I am wide awake. I believe this would be a side effect of the prednisone.
I try to fall back to sleep. One of the things I do is say the alphabet and try to think of as many positive words for each letter as I can.
It goes something like this....A, amazing, attitudes....B, beauty, believe, Beth...C, courage, care, confidence (you get the picture). It doesn't do much for putting me to sleep but it certainly fills me up with good thoughts.
Today (well, actually yesterday, Thursday) I had my Pulmunary Function Test. The technician, Patty Jensen was outstanding. She provided a detailed explaination of each test, the purpose of the test, what the results may uncover, how to perform the test, etc....
She had the results from the tests that I took in May and so she gave me a quick comparison and said that the pulminologist would read the results and send a report over to Dr. Cohen early next week. All looks good. Three of the five tests show slight improvement and the other two are nearly identical to what they were in May. When I find out more I will let you know.
I have to tell you, I am having more good days than bad. I don't want to jinx myself but either the prednisone, or the new work schedule or something is working. I read an article once where a myositis patient said something to the effect of she never really knew how bad she felt until she felt good. I now understand what she meant however I have no really good way of explaining it to you.
Earlier today someone asked me if I ever get mad. I said, I am sure I do but I thankfully I don't remember the last time. I guesss when you know that your energy may be compromised you don't want to waste it on something negative. Sure bad things happen but in the grand scheme of things "my cup overflows".
I hope yours is too.
Good Night....or Good Morning depending on when you read this.
PS - I am heading down to the big screen TV. I love the DVR feature. Is there anything finer than watching Greys Anatomy without commercial interruption?
Yes, watching it with Bill, at a reasonable hour.
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Patty Jensen?? Did you see that, Grandma Barger?!?
Too bad we don't know if each other is up during the night or we could call each other. I am usually up with Caleb or Todd is sometime during the night. We switch off nights. I usually find myself drifting off while I am feeding him and need to not do that. So I have the opposite problem as you. Anyway can't wait to see you and let you see Caleb again.
No, I didn't see that. Did you, Kris?
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