Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Did another week pass by...

Did another week pass by already? So sorry. I know you look here to see how I am doing and then I don't even bother to comment. I will try and do a better job.
First things first.
For the week of February 17-23: 86.04miles were reported into me. I confess that only a 1/4 of a mile was mine so again I must thank you for carrying me. I better step it up or I am going to have 10 mile days in front of me pretty soon.

Even though I have only been to the gym twice in the past two weeks, I have continued to go to WW and have losses on the books both weeks. Don't get too excited, I still haven't hit that first 5 pounds but I am going to. Just like I am going to walk 1044 miles. I really believe I can do it.

Yesterday I had a bit of a reality check. A reminder that somehow, someday, I need to get OK with having a "New Normal". That's a hard concept really. I know it's something I can create and although I once believed my actions controlled my destiny, I know better now. Actions create results and/or consequences but God is in control of what tomorrow will bring and I just need to trust in Him.

Today I had my monthly lab work done. I will let you know the results when I get that call from Dr. Cohen. My next appointment with her is the first week of April. I don't believe I will be switched to the Cellcept before that. Today when I asked her about it again I found myself thinking how terrible it feels to be on the receiving end of an "I told you so..." and decided that I am going to be patient with regards to this change.
Another thing that might be of interest to you....my average last week for "How do I feel" came out to be 4.75. I had two days of "6's", and Thursday and Friday were both low number days 2.25 and 3 respectively.

Today I leave you with this thought,

You Can....
(fill in the rest with something important to you).

I can hear it now... Bill saying "OK, you sound like Oprah?" Said with a smile and endearment in his voice :0)

Thank you for checking in.
Talk to you soon.
Kris B


Roo (Beth) said...

Hey - was just wondering...do you still have that page on the myositis website? I tried to click the link and it gave me an error...just let me know - I liked looking at the pie chart.

FYI - one step at a time...remember that - 1/4 of a mile is a lot of one steps...we'll all get there together...no one person is going to be "better" than the other - it's a common goal!

Love ya!

Tammy said...

Thank you for being an inspiration.

hope the rest of your family is doing fine.

Pat said...

Add 10 more miles to Denver!