Monday, December 15, 2008

Changing directions

The topic of my blog is about to change. Not too worry, occassionally I will provide updates regarding my dermatomysitis however, there haven't been any updates to report and I am missing the activity of writing about life in general.

Last Tuesday, I had my second to last coaching sessions with my food coach, Rachel. It's getting scary to think that by next Tuesday, I will have all the information and resources that I need to continue on this journey of healthy living. I've learned a lot, practiced a lot, made some changes and tried so many new things.
To begin I need to list my goals and desires. Why I am committed to this goal and to whom will I be accountable? Then I have to document the specific action steps I will take to get there.
Let me not forget gratitude. It will be important for me to keep track of those things that I am thankful for, that's the Vitamin J (joy) I referenced in my last blog.
So, that's the new format...feel free to jump in anytime to comment, hold me accountable, etc...
The journey continues.....


Meg said...

Hi Kris! Gratitude Day today! Just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much you continue to inspire me to be better and do better in so many facets of my life. Thank you , again, for your long-distance motivation.

Also, I joined Facebook this past week (trying very hard to keep it totally mature and professional, of course!). If you didn't know, they've got "groups" you can join of causes/activities/sports, etc., things you're interested in. There's a Myositis group with more than 700 members, along with updates and links to national groups and message boards and such. May be worth a look, if you're on FB already...

Have a great day~

Bob Mack said...

Kris, I am visiting my 83 year old mother in Milw. I live in Louisville, KY. She showed me your article from 8/23 Journal. She has very similar symptoms. I told her we would contact you to learn more. who is your doctor, where is he so we can connect my mom's doctor with him? Thanks, Bob M.