Thursday, May 28, 2009

Do nothing...

Do nothing....are you kidding me? Well, that is step number one in "the Joy diet" by Martha Beck. The next book on my list of books to read. This step actually came up in something else I shared. The 40 things to do to make 2009 great. There must be something to it.
The suggestion is to spend at least 15 minutes a day doing absolutely nothing.
Not mindless things, but nothing and see where your mind takes you. My thought was that it will lead me right to the 50 things I have to do right after I do nothing for 15 minutes. I tried it today and that is not what happened. I thought about my son, Jake for a moment and something we are working through with him. I thought about the upcoming week-end and what it will bring. I thought about the lousy interaction I had with someone I love and what needed to be said to heal. I thought about lightning (and it was a sunny day). I thought about the warmth of having our dog snuggled in next to me. What a wonderful quiet companion.....and so much more.
There is definitely something to be said for doing nothing for fifteen minutes. I am going to find time to do it again tomorrow and see what happens.

As I write this I am finding myself wondering, if you might be wondering how I pick the books I read. I wondered if you might be thinking "there she goes, reading another self help book". I'm not convinced that they are self help books. I believe that I am being lead in a direction that continues to open my mind to so many possibilities. They are books that inspire and make me feel good about choices I have made and inspire me to continuing growing into who I will be.

Update on how I have been feeling...
I have been waking up the past three or four days at 4:00 in the morning. No alarm, just awake. I have been laying there refusing to get up it's way too early and in not too much time I fall back to sleep only to be awaken by the sound of the radio and suddenly not wanting anything to do with waking up. Although I think I feel pretty good at 4:00, I have been feeling lousy at 5:50. My body aches, my muscles are tired, I have a really hard time getting going. It hurts to walk down the stairs in the morning and I find that there are times recently when I become short of breath and then I worry that this disease is planning to become loud in my life instead of the constant simmer that it has been and then I remember that this is part of who I am. This is part of God's plan for me and He has already guided me through some pretty bad days, He is not about to leave me or forsake me.

I could go on, but I just looked at the clock and it's almost 10. If I don't get to bed, 5:50 will be hard for a whole different reason.

Live well, Love Much, Laugh Often ...Believe.

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