Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This week...

This week I see my rheumatologist (Thursday morning) and the timing couldn't be better. I have missed some work over the past few weeks due to fatigue and I absolutely have a really hard time with that. I know I can work full time but I also need to rest when my body tells me to. If that is a few times every couple of months, that's better than not working, right? I love what I do and I don't ever want anyone (my boss, my kids, my husband, my family, my friends) to feel like they are getting the short end of stick. I guess it is what I make of it. It is what it is, or it's the "story" I make of it. I am hoping and praying that she will want to try a new form of treatment called Rituxim. Although it carries with it no guarantees, many people with Myositis have found relief that lasted months, not just days or weeks.

I was glad I went and look at my last few posts because one recently was me getting mad about being tired and sore and I was just going to do what I wanted to do even if it meant cashing in the energy chips. This past weekend I did just that. I played with my kids, I went for walks, I swam... all in the beauty of the northwoods. No phones, no computers, no clocks (well, there were actually clocks but none of them had the right time on them). Monday I tried to go to work. I made it four hours and went home and rested the next 16 hours. This morning was still hard but I made it through the work day and tomorrow will be better.

The other thing I am working on is the 2nd Myositis Awareness Walk/Fundraising. Last year I had 75 people walk , we raised about $3500 and walked 146 miles together. This year I hope to double those results. More details will follow but for now
.....please mark your calendars for Saturday, September 3rd from 10-12 at Nicolet High School in Glendale, WI.
If you have anything you would like to donate to the raffle please let me know.
I hope you can make it.


1 comment:

Roo (Beth) said...

I love that you had some fun and cashed in some chips...even if it left you a little short, sometimes not having any left makes the best memories. :)
If you have ANY info that can be printed off re: the walk, could you maybe e-mail it to me? I would like to post something at work and send it to some friends.
Love you! See you soon!