Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Good Morning,
It took me a little longer to find what I was looking for regarding hawks, but here it is.
I copied and pasted from my cousins wife Michelle's journal entry from March 14th of this year.

"When I was attending UWGB I had a Cultural Diversities course where our Indian Professor shared the significance in their culture on Hawks. She told the story of how she went for a walk and was contemplating whether or not she should join the Peace Corps. When she saw a hawk fly above her and she knew her answer was to join. In that culture if a hawk crosses your path it is a sign of everything will be okay. I applied that moving story to my life. You would not believe how many times I have seen hawks just when I needed to see them."

Many journal entries that kept us updated on their son's health contained amazing hawk sightings. I would bet, that if you applied this theory to your life you would be amazed not only at the number of times you are consumed with worrisome thoughts but then how often you are sent a "winged reminder" that everything will be okay. I know I have.

I believe it is our responsibility to share words of encouragement and hope whenever possible. You just never know the situation of the person on the receiving end.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kris~

That sounds like it could make for an interesting tattoo idea! Hmmm.... I see hawks all the time out here, and will surely see them with new eyes, now.

During winter and early spring, when I can see the constellation Orion, I always hone in on the star named Rigel. It's the star that makes up Orion's left knee (or foot, depending who you ask). I first noticed it about 3.5 years ago during a particlarly rough patch. I'd talk to him every night. Now when I see it during those seasons, it's like he's coming back to check on me, and letting me know everything's ok.

Life is pretty amazing. Smile on, indeed!

~ Meg