Monday, June 11, 2007

A whole day without steriods

It's been over a year that my body has been fed steriods.
Yesterday, June 10th...NO STERIODS, YEAH !!!!!
You might be wondering how I am feeling?
BLESSED would be the most appropriate response.
(as a side note though, there is a bit of muscle fatigue going on)
I'm not sure if it was the change in medication but I could not sleep last night. Have you had those nights where you lay in bed, your body is exhausted, you know you need to sleep and your mind won't shut off? That was last night for me.
Here's some of what I couldn't stop thinking about....
bumble bees, frogs, hawks, detours, bicycle pedals, lemonade, a deck of cards...I am sure there were more but that's a start.
I know many of you know what these things are about but if you don't I will fill you in, one item each day until I run out.
Bumble bees: Did you know I have a bumble bee tattoo? Some might ask "why a bumble bee?" others might ask "WHY A TATTOO?"
A couple of years ago when I was asked by my younger sister to do a triathlon with her I picked up a book and began to read how someone like me might accomplish this type of a goal. In the book I read that aerodynamically the bumble bee should not be able to fly. Apparently, scientists have studied this and based on the size and weight of the bees body those wings should not be able to carry it into flight. The statement was something to the effect "Lucky for us no one ever told the bee that." I find that to be a very inspiring fact.

Quote for today: "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart." -John Heywood-

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

great list of things to think about, but keep your fork and do you want a donut?

love you lots.