Monday, May 18, 2009

Find Your Song - and Sing It !

I finished my book "Throw Out Fifty Things" by Gail Blanke. I liked it, alot.

Chapter 24: Find Your Song and Sing it !
It reads: "You've got to have a song. I mean, has any band of brothers or sisters ever gone into battle, ever gone out to save the world, start a movement, or seize the day without a song? No, the bagpipes, the fifes and drums, the raised voices always went first. We all need a song."

So what's my song? I have no idea. I have a couple of thoughts but nothing I am sure is mine.
My very first thought was "Hark the Voice of Jesus Crying". Oh I love that hymn.
Years ago I used to love to run to the song by Shania Twain, "She's Not Just a Pretty Face" It's a empowering song about women. I could sing that song loud and proud and know I am making a difference, if only it had a different title.

Do you have any thoughts on this? Do you know what your song is? What song would you sing before beginning each new day, before going into that tough meeting at work or before heading into the doctors office for test results? I can't wait to hear what you come up with.
Any thoughts on what my song should be?
I will keep you posted and let you know when I decide.

I think Gail (the author)would be disappointed in me if I kept her book on my shelf. However, I am baby stepping my way through the process so I better hold on to it for a while. You should check it out at your local library or go pick up a copy at your favorite bookstore. By the end of summer I will be ready to loan out my copy. Let me know if you are interested.

The other thing I am working on right now is going back and reviewing the sessions I had with my food coach. The first session had an assignment of writing down my one month, three month and six month goals. I am going to work through this again and see if I can continue to see results. My new one month goals are to walk 3 miles at least three days a week.
I want to have planned weekly meals and I want to journal on a daily basis with a special focus on what foods I am eating, when I am eating them and what the effects those particular foods have on me. Do some foods cause me to be more fatigued? Do some foods cause me to crave sweets? etc.... I know my metobolic type is "mixed" so now I need to figure out what foods are going to work the best for me.
I'll tell you what...the other day rice krispie treats were on sale at the grocery store. 3 boxes (24 treats) for $5.00. I learned that this is a sale I will pass on the next time. I LOVE rice krispie treats and eating just one has been a challenge I have lost. There are no more rice krispie treats in the house...thank goodness.

I have to hop on a conference call now.
Thanks for checking in.


Vicki said...

I was encouraged years ago to find my song; I thought about it many times, but never found it. It's another one of those things that I wish I could delegate.

.... do you mind if I pose the question via facebook? Maybe someone will have a suggestion that I can 'steal'.

Vicki said...

... or maybe I'll just keep singing whatever is playing; as long as I keep singing.