Thursday, April 15, 2010

Looking a gift horse in the mouth...

I was curious so I looked it up and this is what I found out:
The value of a horse is related to it's age, a younger horse is more valuable than an older horse.
You can determine the relative age of a horse by inspecting its teeth. Back in the day a horse was commonly given as a gift. If a man received a horse as a gift and then inspected inside its mouth, he was trying to assess the value of the gift he received. So, the saying means that you should not assess the value of any gift that you receive; rather you should be thankful for the thoughtfulness of the gift-giver.

Yesterday I took Star for a walk. The daffodils were bright, the sun shining, the trees was beautiful. Today a walk did not fit into the craziness.

I did try something new today. It was inspired by a book I am reading for my book club meeting this Saturday. It's called "The Happiness Project". In the book, the author decides she will carry a camera with her always. I am a terrible picture taker. My sister Beth does an amazing job, she has a great eye for it and that talent combined with her patience and really nice camera make it easy to keep my old camera out of reach. Today, I packed my camera in my purse and I don't know for sure but I think it may have inspired me to look for the beauty that surrounds me.
I noticed the tulips this morning as I rushed out the door to get to work. They looked different this morning than they did when I first noticed them yesterday afternoon. In the early morning, before the sun comes up the petals were closed up tight and their color is very different when it's closed up versus open. Tonight when I was laying in bed with Jake I noticed him sleeping on his side, with his hands folded under his chin...he was so peaceful. He is my little boy, growing up too fast. When I went back upstairs with my camera the moment was gone but I am so glad I noticed it.

I am thankful for the thoughtfulness of the gift-giver!
Good night.

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