Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Time flies....

It's already been 16 day on prednisone and the greatest challenge right now is sleep and being "short fused". I'll do my best to explain this....
It's just this gnawing, brewing sort of feeling. Every little noise is annoying, everything seems more intense. I can look inside and see myself being unreasonable. The other day it effected our household. Bill had a bad day at work and then he got to come home to a crabby wife, a house where nothing had been accomplished and his bad day wasn't going to improve.
I knew I was being unreasonable and the thing that really stinks is I could not pull it together. This happened the last time I took prednisone and there is another prescription I can take "to take the edge off" but I am not a fan of pill popping so haven't pulled that bottle out yet. For the love and happiness of my family I probably should.

Tomorrow I have a 2-3 hour appointment at Endeavor Therapy. It is here that I will begin Pulmonary Rehabilitation. I am anxious to go because although it's only been 16 days, I don't think the prednisone has done anything and it's really hard to measure if things are getting better or not. I have a "gut" feeling they are not. It will be nice to have an expert opinion and a plan of action for making changes and improvments where I can.

On Tuesday night I led a conference call for members of the Myositis Association in Wisconsin.
There are 18 people registered in Wisconsin and four of us participated in the call. We have made arrangements to meet again via conference call on the fourth Monday of every other month and we began discussions of having a simple fundraising event sometime this summer. I've got some work to do on that and hoping to team up with Culvers as it seemed that we each have one in our home town or nearby. More to follow on that in the weeks/months to come.

I'll let you know how the appointment goes tomorrow.

Be Thankful

"Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to..."

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