Saturday, December 19, 2009

Away in a Manager...take care Tim.

Yikes, so soon....and after weeks, I am posting twice in one day.

Well, it's late at night and I am just home from a Christmas party so my typing might be slurred...

I just got home from a party and before calling it a night I had to check my email. I received a "caring bridge" update from a friend who is battling cancer. He has a wife and two beautiful daughters and of course, this is nothing he "signed up for".

This past weekend I was with my family and my mom and sisters and a group of wonderful ladies enjoyed lunch and a Lorie Line concert. During the concert I found myself reflecting back on the many concerts we had seen together over the past 12+ years.
One moment, of one concert, over the many, many years came to mind....
"Away in a Manager" year this song was especially hard to sing.
I remember holding my mom's hand and praying with her (or maybe silently in my head)..."please dear God, not this year."
"Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay. Close by me forever and love thee I pray. Bless all the dear children in thy tender care...and take us to heaven to live with thee there."
I was sick. I still am...but not nearly as bad as it was. I really did not want it to be over and three years later I am planning to celebrate with family and friends another wonderful birthday of Jesus.
Merry Christmas...a couple of days early.

Friday, December 18, 2009


December is taking it's toll on me. 30 hours at work, in addition to the extra running around that this time of year brings has brought some challenges. Last night, was ladies Bunko and I had to listen to my body and stay home and rest. I love Bunko night. It's a great group of friends who get together once a month and laugh and talk and share and I really look forward to these gatherings. Last night the kids and I were all in bed by 8:15. I needed it.

I have to share something very special that happened today though....
We have Secret Santa exchange at work. I know it's a secret, but I really wish I could say "Thank you" to my Secret Santa. My "Santa" made an honorary donation on my behalf to the Myositis Association. You can't imagine how very special that is to me. Well, I bet you can.

Just six more days until Christmas eve. I will never forget a message our pastor shared with us a few years ago on Christmas eve. I hope it sticks with me forever.
He talked about how at this time of the year we are all striving for "perfect"...the perfect gift, the perfect decorations, the perfect cookies or perfect dinner, etc... We often fall short, but that is all part of God's plan. The only thing about Christmas that is perfect is Jesus. If we let go of "perfect" we remember to see that gift and how "perfectly perfect" it was.

If I don't find the moments to log back in and post before Christmas...Merry Christmas everyone.

PS - A quote from my December work calendar "Possibilities - The rock that is an obstacle in the path of one person becomes a stepping stone in the path of another"