Monday, July 26, 2010

Status update

I spent a little time this afternoon updating my fundraising/awareness spreadsheet and so far I have received over $500 in donations, sold 49 t-shirts and have 39 people signed up to walk with me on September 19th. I better get busy sending out thank you notes!

Today I had pulmonary rehab and found out I am nearing the end of my 12 week course. I know I am able to use the same facility for a "maintanence" type of service but I don't have all the details on that as of yet. I also had a CT Scan of my lungs done and a repeat pulmonary function test. The results of those tests will be sent to my doctors and I will know more after seeing them.
I see Dr Cohen (rheumatologist) tomorrow and Dr. Adl (pulmonologist) on Wednesday. I will provide a medical "status update" later this week.

Let me leave you with the quote I came across over the week-end...

There are two ways to live your life
One is as though nothing is a miracle
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein-

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