Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hello friends

Hello friends,
I am sorry it has been so long since I last logged in to give you an update. I guess the primary reason is that I have nothing new to report. Everything is the same.
I am now (knock on wood) down to seven mg of prednisone and on Sunday I will move to six.
The things I have noticed with this change is a weird temperature change in my finger tips. Sometimes they are really hot, burning and other times they feel cold and other times they throb a lot. Like the throb that happens after slamming it in a door or with a hammer. Not that extreme, not that painful, just a throbbing and aching that isn't normal. I can live with it.

I still meet with my food coach every two weeks. I haven't been on a scale so I can't say if I have lost any weight, but I can definitely say that I am living a healthier life. I'm learning a lot about whole foods vs. processed foods and I am learning about some things that I can do to give me "balance" in my life. I certainly can't work on everything at once, but at least I am learning how to make small changes that will have a big impact in time (Thank you Rachel)

The newest thing I got from Rachel is an article on morning journaling. As you all know, I enjoy putting my thoughts into words but Rachel has encouraged me to do this in the morning, before getting out of bed....with paper and a pen, not a keyboard. "The pen is a primal tool, connecting your hand to your mind." I have to be realistic. This will not happen on the mornings that I get up and walk at 5:30. Rather I will do it as a mind exercise for the days that I walk midday or in the evenings.
Speaking of walking, I am starting to think about walking attire for the winter. What is the best thing to wear on your feet if you are walking outside in the slush, snow or ice? Do you wear walking shoes or do you wear boots? For those winter walkers or runners, let me know your thoughts.
I want to make every effort to stay outside versus mall walking, rejoining a gym or working out to a DVD/Video. It really is beautiful even when the stars are still out in the morning, crazy.

That's about all for now. Thanks for checking in and being patient with my delay in posting anything.

Kris B


Meg said...

Hi Krissy! So glad to see you on The Internets again! I love hearing voices from back home, and I can totally hear your voice in my head as I read your entries.

As for walking shoes, I have some hiking walkers that are waterproof, with a good grippy sole, about the same shape as a tennis shoe. Merrill brand, I think, got them at REI. I think they're about a half-size larger than I normally wear so I can put cushy socks on with them. Once I get walking, the feet stay warm and dry. Of course, I don't get them much in snow as you, but they sure work on the rain we get out here in Calif.

Remind me to tell you about my chicken salad recipe, if I haven't before. It's simple (my kinda recipe!) and crazy-healthy and yummy.

Am on my way to Wisc tomorrow morning, can't WAIT to see you and Bill, and of course the OTHER cuties Emma and Jake!!

Love ya!

Pat said...

Kris--I haven't read your blogs for a little while, but I just read this one of Meg's regarding shoes she bought at REI. Don't know if you knew this or not, but Joe is working a couple of nights at week at REI in Madison.
Everybody little bit helps.