Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year....

Happy new year family and friends.
Not much has changed since I last reported in. I did go ice skating with Bill and the kids on Sunday afternoon. I don't remember the last time I skated, it was definitely before children and I think it might go even farther back then that, though Bill insists we skated together at least once. With that being said, we met in 1989....so who knows.

I wasn't going to go. I was afraid that if I fell I would break something or worse yet, wouldn't be strong enough to get myself back up. It's a lousy way to live really, not doing something just in case...
Then I asked the kids if they wanted me to go and they both said yes (which also kind of surprised me because they love time with Bill). It was an opportunity to be together as a family and I wasn't going to miss it, so I went.
We had a wonderful time and I did it. I was wobbly. I was scared. I did it anyway. I marked that down as a success for the day.
We should all have a success for the day and something we hope to do better tomorrow. Funny how the "doing ________ better tomorrow" is easier to identify.
Please don't forget about the successes.

For the past two weeks or so I have been struggling with severe hand pain. The good news it isn't constant and it's only achy most of the time. The bad news is it happens every night between 1-4 in the morning and it is really painful then. Last night while I was awake trying to breathe through it I realized the best way to describe it really is it's similiar to a charlie horse you might get in your leg. There is just no way to get comfortable and no way to make it go away except to wait it out. Last night it lasted for quite awhile and this morning I was wiped out. I decided it was time to call the doctor. Her assistant called me back fairly quickly and said the doctor could get me in for wrist injection. WHAT? A wrist injection...did it really hurt that bad? Bad enough for a couple of cortisone shots? Well, last night, absolutely I would have done anything to stop the pain...this afternoon, a couple of cortisone shots sounded like a bit much, maybe it will go away on it's own.
I made a second call to Dr. Sweeney. He is the doctor I credit in helping me rid myself of most of the prescription medicition I had been taking. Primarily, he helped put an end to the prednisone.
I have an appointment to see him tomorrow and he may need to adjust or prescribe a new remedy. I know, I know....my kids call them sugar pills, Bill sometimes refers to this as going to see the witch doctor, but really, if it helps, isn't that what is important. Remember, Dr. Sweeney is first and foremost a traditional doctor of medicine and it wasn't until he found himself helpless in getting treatment for his young son severe asthma that he began to incorporate eastern medicine into his approach. I hope he can find something other than cortisone to help me out.

So, that's the scoop for now. I will fill you in more after my appointment tomorrow.
Thanks for checking in.

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