Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 2

On Monday I called the doctor to check on the lab results and although it took awhile everything indicates that it's OK for me to start taking the Cytoxan.
Yesterday I felt a little yucky around 11:00. Today I don't and I consider that to be a very good thing. I am drinking the required water and much more. Easily I drink 96 oz of water a day and after that I stop counting. This will continue to be very important because I don't want the drug to be sitting around my body messing things up. The water will flush away what's not suppose to be there.

I finished my pulmonary rehabilitation on Monday afternoon. It was very valuable experience. I learned a lot and met some wonderful people. One of the wonderful people I met was Marguerite. I know I have mentioned her before. She died last week. Her lung transplant didn't come in time. Meeting Marguerite opened my eyes to many of the blessings this diagnosis has brought me. Although Marguerite also had interstial lung disease, it wasn't diagnosed right away. The early symptoms shortness of breath and a dry cough wouldn't cause too many people to seek medical attention and even if you did, they might be inclined to tell you that there is nothing wrong.
A blessing that continues to present itself in my life is that early on while they were trying to figure out what was wrong with me I received a baseline test for just about everything...the acronyms MRI, CT, EKG, EMG all became too familiar...they looked at everything and took a baseline picture of everything. Over the years I have also learned how important it is to listen to my body. If something's not right, I don't sit around and wonder about it very long. That's what happened with my lungs. One morning I just said enough is enough. I should not be coughing every morning. There was a baseline CT of my lungs and a new picture was taken and there you have it, a new diagnosis, caught in the very early stages and treatable. What a blessing!

The end of my pulmonary rehab means that my schedule opens up a little and gives me some flexibility I didn't have before but before I go filling it with new things I need to figure out a way to continue that commitment to exercising at least three days a week. Today I have to take Jacob to swimming lessons so I am committed to swimming during that time.'s on the schedule. I have an appointment to get it done.

My friends, thanks for checking in. I appreciate your continued thoughts, prayers and support.

Kris B

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