Friday, October 1, 2010

Dr update

I saw the doctor this week and shared with her that fatigue is increasing along with some muscle aches and weakness. There are a few things that could cause this.
First, the drug I was taking before I had a lung issue was working very well on my muscles but it was not a lung drug therefore when I had to start taking the lung drug the other drug had to be stopped. It could be that all the goodness of the old drug has finally left my body and now I am having muscle issues again.
Second, it could be that I need to taper the prednisone at a slower pace. Tapering too quickly can cause adrenal suppression and show up as fatigue and muscle stuff.
She called this morning and the labs look good so she thinks it might be the prednisone. I guess if I had to pick the best of the bad, that's the one I would have picked. It means I have to go back up on the prednisone and come back down much more slowly. Back up to 15 for a couple of days and then down to 12.5 for two weeks and then we will try 10 again and see how I do.
I will stop in and post more over the weekend.
Right now I am going to rest for a bit before Jacob gets home from school.
I can't wait to tell you about "I'm winning today."

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