Monday, October 31, 2011

November = Thanksgiving

At work we have an awesome wellness program. We are encouraged to participate in wellness campaigns throughout the year that revolve around healthy living. Exercise, what we eat, and the month of November is all about thanksgiving. Not the holiday, but being thankful and grateful. You know, the funny thing is I never can figure out the right spelling for grateful. Is it grateful or greatfull? I really do know the answer, but I wonder why it isn't the second one?
Being grateful is about appreciating what is great, right? Full of gratitude.....ahhhh there is the answer, grat(itude)/grat(eful).
The goal for this months wellness campaign is to keep a gratitude journal. I love this idea and I decided to start one for our house. This is community journal that can be used by me, by Bill, Emma and Jacob but also by family and friends who visit.

The first page of the journal says this:
This journal is for all of us. Spending a few moments each day reflecting on what is good, what is right, what brings joy to our life is so important. My hope is that together we create a book of memories and moments to share with family and friends for many years to come.

Page two:
Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the love of my husband. From a moment and a song, a friendship bloomed and grew into a love, that started a marriage and a family, two beautiful children and a life together that is still growing....the best is yet to come.

Do not worry about tomorrow: God is already there.

I hope that when you visit our house you pick up the journal, take a look and even add a few words of your own.

I am grateful for you!

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