Thursday, May 31, 2007

Oops, still learning

I posted yesterday as a comment instead of a post.
It wasn't much but here it is:

A quote for the day:
"A woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear"

Yesterday was another injection. I think I finally made it to the maximum dose and so far so good. I am tolerating it well.
Here's what I learned. You know when you go to the doctor and they are going to give you a shot or an injection? Do you watch or look away? I look away. So, why would I feel the need to look when giving myself an injection. Yesterday I didn't. I looked away. It was much better that way.

I got a great book from my mom last year called "Lean on Me" by Nancy Davis. I have told every doctor, physical therapist, clients and friends about it. If you know anyone who has received a life changing diagnosis, they should read it. I've read it a couple of times and continue to reference it along this journey. Nancy was one of many authors featured on Dr. Phil yesterday. Unfortunately I was napping so I missed it. I thought I would use this opportunity to introduce the book to those that may not have heard of it. It is very motivating and very positive.

Quote for today:
"Go where your best prayers take you." Frederick Buechner

Have a great day.

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