Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday, March 8th

I received a wonderful call from my friend Emily last night. It's been a very long time since we talked and it was so nice to talk to her. She was checking in and mentioned she was enjoying the top 40 things to make 2009 better. I promised her last night that I would get back to the computer and start typing.
Here are five more things to consider...
21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
22. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
23. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
24. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
25. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

I had to smile when I saw number 21.
This morning Emma and I were getting ready for church. Jake's throwing up and has a fever and Bill is staying home with him because I teach Sunday school. Believe me, he is better with throw up than he would be with seven four year olds.
Anyway, every day I would love to see Emma's beautiful long hair pulled back (out of her face) but on Sunday's I expect it. We were on a roll, weeks have gone by and I haven't even had to ask. Then came this morning...she did not want to pull her hair back. I wasn't going to give in.
I gave in. She got in the car with her hair hanging in her face and I grumbled quietly to myself..."is it really worth it...should something so unimportant be so important to me, should I really have small tears of frustration on a Sunday morning?" Then I prayed that God would always give me the strength and patience to be a good mom. I asked him to guide my way and more importantly to be with Emma guiding her.
Shortly after getting in the car I had the pleasure of asking Emma what her memory work for Sunday School was. Lucky me, it was Colossians 3:20 "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord"
No words were exchanged on that silent ride to church. When I parked the car and opened the door for her, there was a beautiful braid holding her hair away from her face. It's hard to explain how important that moment was for me.

Now, back to my call from Emily. I don't know about you but I think of my friends alot. I wonder how they are doing. I spend time feeling terrible that I missed their birthday or that I have allowed so much time to pass without calling or writing. Instead of using that to propel myself forward and make the call or write the note, I allow myself to get busy with the everyday things and then again, another day passes and I have not connected.
Another friend of mine mentioned that during the season of Lent she doesn't give something up, but instead choses to give. She made a commitment to write a note to at least one person she has been meaning to get in touch with every week during lent. I imagine that the people Beth gets in touch with this Lenten season will feel like I did yesterday when Emily called. It really meant a lot.

I need to sign off now and get some things done around the house, and write a note to a friend I have been meaning to get in touch with.
Thank you for checking in.
Kris B


Cate said...

I meant to ask you where the boys were. Hank mentioned more than once how much he missed Jake.

What a sweet story about Emma! She was so cute in SS yesterday too, and I feel so badly that I forgot to tell the kids. Emma generally sits at the table of the kids that is a bit more chatty and distraction prone than the other table and yesterday Emma was so cute. She walked in to SS and told me that today HER table was going to listen and follow along just as well. I feel so bad that I didn't tell them that they were SO great yesterday and I really appreciated Emma taking a leadership role in trying to get the other kids at her table to listen and follow along. She's such a great kid!


Vicki said...

the comment about hair in the face, or away from the face sure brings back some memories...