Friday, April 23, 2010

One week and three days...

One week and three days into my prednisone treatment.
Here's what I have noticed....
  • Sleeping is a challenge. It's hard to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Just this week my left hand started to receive visits from the uncontrollable shaking.
  • My upper arms and shoulders have the ache returning.
  • I went for a walk with the kids and the dog the other day and when I got home I was frightened by the shortness of breath I was experiencing. It didn't seem any better and maybe, slightly worse.
  • I had one day of uncontrollable hunger. I didn't make all the best choices but I forgave myself and have moved on. That day just happened to be the same day that Bill called and said that sometime in the next 30-90 days he would be getting his 45 day notice that he would be losing his job.
Now, as a mom and a wife the news above sent me into calm, planning and preparation. What do we need to take care of before this happens? Healthcare. Number 1 concern.
In my head I have made the decision that I will need to return to work full time. Our health insurance benefits are covered through Bill's employment and we certainly can not go without it.
As a part time employee I do not have benefits, but if I return full time I can obtain health insurance through my employer. Family taken care of.
Returning to work will mean I lose my disability benefit and being right at the beginning of another chapter in my disease it wouldn't be the best time to let go of that. So, we are not jumping the gun. We are seeking out all the options that we may have available to us. Based on early conversations, I am likely going to be declined if we have to buy insurance independent of a employer sponsored plan.

On a happier note...I am thinking about designing another fundraising tshirt.
I want to incorporate a bumble bee and I am thinking about other words or phrases that start with be...
Be happy
Be true
Just Be

Please let me know if you have any other "be" words that might work.
Thanks again for checking in.
Have a super weekend.
Kris B

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