Thursday, June 26, 2008

Myositis Awareness is spreading....

The second round of tshirts has been received and most of them have been shipped out or personally delivered. I continue to receive really nice feedback from those that have seen them or worn them. I hope you are enjoying yours. If you don't have one but want one, you can still order until July 11th.

Saturday was a beautiful day at the Schlitz Audobon Center. 29 people joined Brownie Troop 1230 for a walk that allowed us to raise additional awarenss for Myositis and a few families said they would log their summer miles and email them to me. I think we are on our way to getting a number of people to Denver by the September Myositis Conference.

On Monday I gave a presentation to a number of my coworkers that were interested in learning more about Myositis. It truly is in the "giving back" that healing comes. This week (knock on wood) I have felt pretty good. Today was actually the third time this week that I have gone for a walk. Keep your fingers crossed (folded is probably a better word) that this continues. Maybe I won't feel bad enough to be the chosen "guinea pig" for the Rimstudy at Froedert. During the presentation on Monday, the Wellness director at our bank announced that the third quarter walking campaign for the American Heart Association would have a dual purpose...walking for AHA and the miles will be donated to my Myositis campaign. Two separate upcoming Fridays will be designated toward Myositis awareness. Any of my coworkers that buy my tshirt will be able to wear them to work on those two days. I am so blessed that life's journey lead me to PyraMax Bank. The support I receive is remarkable.

Milwaukee's Summerfest started today. The theme is "Get your smile on" Makes you want to smile, doesn't it.

Have a lovely day.
Kris B

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