Thursday, January 22, 2009

Still Believing...

It's been a couple weeks and I have learned a couple of new things. Last week I worked 4 six hour days instead of 5 five hour days. I learned that consecutive six hour days is still too much. The first two days I was fine, the third day I felt myself wearing down, the fourth day...needless to say, it took me about four days to recover.
What does that mean?
I was able to do enough to get by and very little extra. On Tuesday, I had to stay home from work and rest.
I also learned that it really makes a difference what I put into my body. I haven't been consuming any artificial sweetners and very little caffenine for quite some time however, the other night I broke down and had a few CC and diet cokes with my husband. Now, it could have been the whiskey but I definitely believe the diet coke had something to do with how awful I felt for days to follow. I don't want to put anything in my body that is going to make me feel like crap and if I do, I have now learned moderation. Believe me, it will never be easy, I will always be practicing, but I know now something about how the amazing body works and what it needs and to be more kind to it.
Well....I have to buzz and get Jake from an after school program.
I will write again, sooner rather than later as there are more things that I have learned that I am looking forward to sharing with you.

Still Believing,
Kris B

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