Thursday, March 25, 2010

I have a small nose...

Well, yesterday has come and gone. The procedure is over and now it's another week of waiting.
I will bore you with the details because some of you want to know what it's all about, others just want to know I am OK.
I am OK. If you want a play by play of yesterday, read on...

Auntie Vicki came over to get the kids off to school. Bill took me to the hospital.
I got prepped for the procedure with an IV that would supply me with the fantastic medication that would help me forget.
They wheeled me in to the room and hooked me up to all the necessary machines. A respiratory assistant had me breathe on a misting tube that numbed the back of my throat and tasted like crap. Then she took a tube (about the size of a travel toothpaste) filled with a lubricant and had me snort it...the whole tube. This also smelled terrible and made me gag. At this point I began to wonder when I could get the "forgetting" medicine. Now, the respiratory assistant said that she needed to prep my nose for the tube that the doctor would use. She took a very long q-tip and started working it into my nose and down my throat. First one side, than the other, back and forth, over and over. This was more than a little uncomfortable...and the breathing exercises that I learned when I was pregnant with the kids came in handy.....WHERE IS THE FORGETTING MEDICINE.
The doctor came in, asked if I had any questions and that is the last thing I remember. Apparently it was all done in about 20 minutes. She washed out my lungs with a fluid and than sucked the fluid back out. This is what they will be testing over the next week to determine what is going on in there.
I was in recovery for an hour or two letting the sedation wear off and by 11:00 we were headed home. Bill bought me a chocolate shake because my throat hurt, tucked me in bed where I stayed until about 4:00.
When I woke up I had a terrible pain in my back under my right shoulder blade. I could not take a deep breath without there being a shooting pain and this continued for about 45 minutes before I decided I needed to call the doctor back.
Off we went, back to the hospital, this time with the whole family in tow. I needed another x-ray to make sure that my lung had not collapsed. Good lung had not collapsed. I had fluid remaining from the procedure and that is what was probably causing the pain. They sent me home with instructions take the deep breaths even if it caused shooting pain to take more Tylenol and/or Motrin. If the pain got any worse, I should head to the ER.
Back home we went...this time Bill stopped and bought me a strawberry shake. ;0)
Two shakes in one day; I am a lucky girl.
This morning when I woke up, the pain was gone. My throat is a little sore but not nearly has as bad as my sinus cavities. They certainly feel like they took a real beating. Did I mention in the end that my nose was too small for the procedure and they had to go down my throat? I wish we would have known that before the q-tips.

So, I am fine. It's back to waiting. I will post more when I know more.
Thanks for your prayers and for checking in.


Anonymous said...

Our prayers are still with you.

Roo (Beth) said... shamrock shake??? one of my friends told me that getting an oreo mcflurry or blizzard and taking it home to remix it with creme de menthe is pretty good too...maybe next time...on your own...NOT home from the doctor. Love you Kris! Thanks for sharing!