Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Can you think of anything good about fatigue? I am struggling to find the positve here but am fairly certain that if I write about it someone out there might have something to say or just the therapy of writing will get me there.
There is a difference between fatigue and tired. Fatigue is having to sit down after blowing my hairdry just to gather up enough energy to do the next thing necessary to get ready for the day.
Fatigue is the feeling I have sometimes when I am at the bottom of the stairs wondering if I really need whatever I was headed for or if it can wait. Fatigue is when I can't convince myself that it would be easier to stop at the store right when I am driving by instead of thinking if I go home and lay down for 20 minutes I will feel so much better.
Fatigue is the reason I called the doctor last week Friday and continued to be persistant so that I could see her before we go on our family vacation to Arizona next week.
I saw the doctor today. The strength tests that she does each time I see her were repeated again today and I am showing signs of weakness. I also have this crazy cycle going on...I am not sleeping well because I can't get comfortable. Not being comfortable/not sleeping impacts the level of fatigue I am experiencing. The level of fatigue I am experiencing is keeping me from exercise. Not exercising is not good for my mind or my body.
I might try Yoga again but I am really hoping I can find a DVD to do at home. I need something "gentle" and although I just celebrated a birthday, I don't feel as though I am ready to be outexercised by a "senior version" I was not comfortable doing this in a group setting. I would also be interested in trying thai chi. I think Meg has written on occassion of using that. Meg, if you have a DVD recommendation for that I would be open to exploring it further.
Back to the doctor appointment. After much discussion it was determined that I would bump up my prednisone from 5mg to 20mg to get me comfortable again and then we will taper it down to 10mg. Although I hope that's not the final answer, many people need that much to keep the disease under control. She added a new prescription called "Flexeril" that is suppose to help the muscular/skeletal symptoms (possibly fibromyalgia) which is not a disease but a condition that might be a part of the cycle mentioned above.
I will see Dr. Cohen again when I get back from AZ and we will have new discussions regarding changes in the big medications. Will we give up on the Imuran and Methotrexate combination in hopes of better results with cellcept?
OK, that's it. Although I don't feel any better regarding fatigue, I do feel better having talked to you.
Keep walking and I'll keep smiling.


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