Tuesday, May 4, 2010

PR (pulmonary rehabilitation) day two

Today I went back to Endeavor Therapy for my second of many visits to come. Here are some questions I have yet to get answers to and some answers to questions I had.

1) Is there scarring? I need to ask Dr. Adl
2) How is scarring measured versus inflammation? I need to ask Dr. Adl
3) Is Interstitial Lung Disease a Chronic Lung Disease? No. It is it's own entity, sometimes referred to as Fibrosis.

We reviewed the results of the pulmonary function test I had in November 2007 against the test I had in February 2010. There is about a 30% decrease in my overall lung function.

4) Is the goal to improve that number or stop/slow the progression? The goal is to stop or slow the progression. We may not see improvements.

I learned some new things too.

For example: I take a drug called OMEPRAZOLE DR...basically it is like prevacid or prilosec but a prescription versus over the counter. The bottle says take 1 capsule by mouth twice a day. I take a lot of medication and basically I take them twice a day. Once in the morning after I eat breakfast and again at night after dinner/before bed.
Well....that's not how to take this prescription. I need to take it 30 minutes before I eat breakfast and 30 minutes before I eat dinner. Honestly, I do not have symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn so I don't feel the positive effects of the drug. I take the drug because my lungs are already compromised and this is a proactive/preventative measure being taken to minimize other risk factors. Now I know and I need to figure out how to remember that one of the pills in my pill box needs to go down before all the others do. I forgot already tonight and Jake offered the following suggestion: "why not put one of those notes that stick places on the microwave or the stove or refrigerator or something like that so when you make dinner you remember?" So simple, so smart, so lucky to have kids to keep me sane.

Near the end of my visit today I had a chance to get on the treadmill. She started me at 1.0mph for 5 minutes. I thought I was going to die. Come on! Can we go at least to 3, 2.5 even....I don't have time to walk this slow. I did, I walked SLOW.
I hated it but the point is she is teaching me new breathing techniques. I need to take one quick breathe in through my nose and breathe out three breathes with "pursed lips". I don't think that's my rhythm but I stuck with her. In my running days I would breathe a rhythm of IN1-2-3, OUT1-2-3, IN1-2-3, OUT1-2-3,..I guess I have always been fond of dancing and the 123 works as good with a waltz as it does with a polka.

There are two kinds of breathing issues, obstructive and restrictive. I have restrictive issues. This means I do not have COPD or the types of diseases such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, etc...those diseases all have blockage or inflammation in the airways of the lungs or getting the oxygen out. My disease is restrictive meaning it's in the meat/muscle of my lungs and the challenge is in getting the oxygen in. I have a lot of work to do but I asked again today if a goal of running a mile with my daughter or walking three miles in 45 minutes was reasonable and although she didn't say "yes", she didn't say "no".

I have a homework assignment to read a guide called "To Air is Human". I just opened to page 71 and this might work for me.
"Household Fumes - Avoid strong fumes from cleaning products...."
"Dust - Dust raising jobs in your house or yard can make it harder for you to breathe...."
OK, I will be honest, it goes on to say how to accomplish those tasks and it doesn't say ask your husband or children....oh well. I didn't want to anyway.

Tomorrow I go back again. 1:30-2:45.

I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for checking in.

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