Thursday, May 20, 2010

A spark of energy and a reminder...

I have been blessed with a spark of energy and a reminder that this journey is so much more than me. I have always known that God picked me for a very important reason...that I still do not know the answer to, but I am using this spark of energy to jump back in and raise awareness of this very rare disease.
Today I worked with my sister-in-law, Meg on a t-shirt design. I LOVE IT and hope you do too. I am strongly considering organizing a Myositis Walk. I drafted two letters, one to the Governor and one to the Mayor asking that they recognize September 21st as National Myositis Awareness Day. I asked a company if they would be interested in being a sponsor for the walk mentioned above. I have organized a meeting for members of the WI KIT group (people in Wisconsin who have myositis) to meet on Saturday, May 29th in Baraboo, WI for lunch. So far I have people coming from Eau Claire, Milwaukee and Wausau. I hope more decide to join us.
This is about bringing people together, raising awareness and helping others.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Kris, I can't wait to see the new design of the teeshirt.

We always wonder what God's plan is for us....but it's so cool when it is revealed to us. You are here in God's plan for me to inspire me to be a better mom, sister, wife and woman. Thank you for sharing your journey.