Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Here's the update on my test results...

Last week my doctor ordered two tests to be repeated…a pulmonary function test and a CT scan of my lungs/chest. The reasoning for the order is because I have had a persistent cough in the mornings and I have been experiencing shortness of breath. This is most noticeable when I cough or walk up or down the stairs.

Today when I was at the doctor she shared the results of the CT scan. At this point there have been significant changes in the progression of the interstitial lung disease. The conclusion actually reads as follows:
1) Significant interval progression in interstitial lung disease with bibasilar ground glass air space and interstitial changes as well as scattered areas of linear interstitial and ground glass air space opacity peripherally in both upper lobes as well as the right middle lobe. A component of superimposed aspiration pneumonitis would not be excluded in the lower lobes or the lingual where the areas of opacities are the most confluent. Clinical correlation is suggested.
2) No pleural effusion
3) No adenopathy.

Of course I don’t understand any of the above, do you?

What I do know is that Dr. Cohen ordered some additional tests to be run when they run my normal labs. There may be an overlapping disease which is common in autoimmune diseases.
She did not receive the written results from the pulmonologist but will likely have them this afternoon. The results themselves, without the professional interpretation, show a decrease in my lung capacity and function since the test I had a year or so ago.

Once she has the results from the lab and has talked with the other doctors she will get back in touch with me to make a recommendation (5-7 days) Although my skin looks good and my muscles are working well, my joints (especially in my hands and wrists) and my lungs indicate the disease (myositis) is active. She wants me to start up on prednisone again but agreed to let me wait on that until she has all the facts.

If you would, say a prayer for me that helps take the worry away, give answers to the doctors and restores my health, it would be greatly appreciated.
Last Wednesday in church we sang “Abide with Me” during communion. A gentleman who we worship with had just received a diagnosis of cancer and I could see him singing at the communion rail. I have been meaning to write him a note, letting him know I have been thinking of him and praying for him. Isn’t this a beautiful line from the hymn…”Ills have no weight and tears no bitterness….I triumph still if Thou abide with me!” It even has an exclamation point.
Those are comforting words when you are not feeling well and the exclamation point make me want to say/sing it with confidence.

Love you.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Kris, Of course we will say an extra prayer for the Lord's will to be done. Once again you are so eloquent and graceful in your blog. So blessed to have you as part of our family. You make me think about life and all it has to offer and faith and all it has to give. Thank you, thank you. Tammy