Thursday, February 25, 2010

News is news...

This morning I spoke to Dr. Cohen and the news is news. That's it. I could create a story and worry about what it might mean or could be, but really....why? It is only what it is until we know more and then again, it will only be what it is, no more and no less.
Not all of the lab results are back yet but the ones that are complete are mostly normal. There are two inflammation tests that are not normal but they are not way out of whack either. The tests we are still waiting on are antibody tests. They will show if there is another autoimmune disease that is jealous and wanting to start a fight with my myositis. That is fairly common among autoimmune diseases.

Dr Cohen did speak to a lung specialist about my situation and I have an appointment with Dr. Dima Adl on Monday morning at 10:30.

The doctors agree that there is definitely something going on in my lungs. It is not in the tubes but in the muscle/meat of the lungs. It could be the disease or it could be an insidious(sp?) infection which means rare or unusual or it could be something else. Dr. Cohen believes in the ability of Dr. Adl and is pleased that she will see me as soon as Monday. She told me to try and have a great weekend and to keep worry at bay. She will call me when any other results come in.

Stay tuned for more information and insights from your favorite myositis patient, of course, I am assuming you know no one else with it.


1 comment:

Tammy said...

Kris, I know it's hard not to worry but remember your Lord has plans for you and your family. We have to leave it all in His capable all knowing hands even though our human nature and Satan try to convince us not to. Rely on Him for all. You have the prayers of many a faithful people. Stay strong and know your are loved. Tammy