Saturday, February 27, 2010

Oh what comfort

Well, I just knew that a day would come when I would want to go back to that sermon that Pastor Henrichs gave months ago and it's Saturday and the copies that I made of it are in my desk drawer at work so I backtracked through the blog posts of the past and I found it. As I was looking for it, I also had a chance to reflect on all the ups and downs that have been part of this journey/diagnosis. The comfort for me can be found in the next paragraph that I took right from the sermon. These are not my words but my Pastor's.

But the Lord did not leave Paul empty-handed in his suffering. He didn’t tell Paul to toughen up or just “rub some dirt on it.” He gave him a wonderful promise—a promise from which Christians have drawn strength and comfort for two thousand years: Jesus said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” The grace of Jesus Christ is sufficient. The grace of God that flows from the cross of Christ into your life is sufficient. It is enough. Nothing more is needed. The power of Jesus is perfected when you are at your weakest. “When I am weak,” Paul writes, “then I am strong.”What about you? Do you believe that? Do you believe that the grace of Jesus Christ is sufficient—or is there something more that’s needed? When Paul heard those words from Jesus, all he had to do was reflect on the events of his own life to see that what Jesus said was true—to see that when he was at his weakest, Jesus was at His strongest. Paul had been beaten, flogged, stoned, shipwrecked, hungry, thirsty, naked, imprisoned and exhausted. But through it all, the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ had sustained him—compelled him—to keep on going.

Oh what comfort.

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