Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update regarding my test of endurance

I was changing things up, working seven hour days instead of six hour days in hopes of getting the OK from my doctor next week to return to work full time. I worked four seven hour days and then two hours (still limited to 30 hours) in the first week. I worked two seven hour days the next week and that was it. I couldn't continue with that schedule. I guess I failed my test of endurance. I guess I am going to have to work my way into this. One seven hour day one week, then two seven hour days for awhile, add three when I am ready, etc.... It's going to take longer than I had hoped.

Tomorrow I am having a repeat pulimonary function test followed by a CT scan of my chest. This is being done to address the dry cough I have had for months as well as shortness of breath. Early in my disease I was diagnosed with interstatial lung disease. The lungs don't repair themselves but it is important to make sure they don't get any worse as well. I have base line pictures/tests for just about everything and that includes my lungs. More to follow on that in the days and weeks to come.

On a happier note, last week Tuesday we got a lot of snow. So much that Jake's after school program was cancelled. When he got off the school bus I was already dressed in my winter play clothes (long underwear, hat, scarf, gloves, etc...) and that is exactly what we did. We played in the snow. We played tag, made snow angels, wrestled, etc... When Emma got home from school the fun continued for another 15-20 minutes. This is an afternoon I won't soon forget and I really hope they don't either. When Jake got off the bus on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday he asked each afternoon if I could play again...I couldn't, that 45 minutes on Tuesday wiped me out for nearly the whole week. It's really sad for me to have to say no to something that's good for both of us and really fun for both of us. That is certainly a more difficult "endurance test" to fail. As I look at my goal and things to aspire too, being active with my family will have to take priority over returning to work full-time. Remind me of that if you see me going in the wrong direction.

Have a great day.

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