Thursday, February 25, 2010

On second thought....

During my appointment on Tuesday, Dr.Cohen said she would call me when she had the results of all the tests and had had the opportunity to talk with the pulmonologist. I was fine with that. It seemed like a good idea to have all the information so that a plan could also be part of that discussion. Then a day passed. One out of the 5-7 days that I am expecting to wait. I want to know something, piece at a time will be just fine with me. I called the doctor and left a message yesterday afternoon saying just that. Hopefully I will hear something today. To help feed my head with knowledge and put things into perspective I did some google searching....don't do it. I should have listened to Bill when he said, "stay away from the internet today. The doctor will tell you everything you need to know."

Last night I took a long hot shower and was in bed by 9:30. At 12:30 I was awake because my hands were achy. I came downstairs (Bill was up decorating a cake and making cupcakes for a bake sale) took some advil and went back to bed. An hour later I was still laying there, wide awake so I got up and took my pillow to the couch downstairs and watched "American Idol"
3:00 AM passed, then 4:00 AM still awake.... 4:30 I went back upstairs to bed, turned off my alarm realizing perfectly well that sleeping or not sleeping I was not going to be able to get up and get to work at 8:00 AM. I did fall asleep sometime after 5:00 and I missed seeing the kids this morning before school. That makes for a lousy way to start a day. Their love and smiles and even the morning grumpiness that sometime shows it's face is all part of a wonderful way to start a day.
Today I missed it, tomorrow will be better.
Tomorrow will be better.

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