Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Meg's Winter Relief

Here is the email I referenced in my last blog entry.
Isn't it wonderful to see the positive things going on to improve the well being of ourselves and others.

In August 2000, the waiting list for Sunrise Village, a homeless shelter here in Fremont, totaled 50 families. Because of that, the "Winter Relief" program was born, providing emergency winter shelter for the families in January 2001.
The waiting list has continued to grow each year, and now five area churches have continued to help meet the needs of these families by providing food, sleeping sites, transportation, programs for the kids, and more.
To continue assistance to the families in need, on April 26, 2008, St. James’ Episcopal Church in Fremont is joining with St. Anne's to hold our annual Walka-Rocka-thon to benefit the Winter Relief program.
This year, we’re in for a 7-mile trek across Fremont, while others will spend time "rocking" in chairs, all with the goal of raising funds for the program.
This effort directly raises money to purchase items such as bus tickets, toiletries, and grocery & department store gift cards for the families. No middle-men!
Can you help? I’ll be walking bright and early, and any donation is appreciated. And if you're unable to donate, even simple words of support are treasured, and we all thank you for your good wishes. (This is the ultimate soft-sell, no obligation message!)
Thank you again for considering, from the Walkers and the Rockers and those who benefit :)
Meg Williams
3621 Kay Ct.
Fremont, CA 94538
If you are able to assist financially, you may email me and send your donation later, or simply mail it to
me: checks may be made out to St. James Episcopal Church, with "Winter Relief" in the memo line. My address (for mailing) is above, if needed.
Your cancelled check can be used for tax purposes, and a tax ID number can be provided if necessary. If you need more information on the program, be sure to let me know.

1 comment:

Meg said...

gosh Kris, thanks for the publicity!

We were able to walk, about 20 of us I think it was, a 5-mile trek across the town where I live. When I get the tally of funds raised from last Saturday I'll sure post it here in a note. It was a beautiful day, a great walk and fellowship for people who we get to help so directly.

And readers of your blog can know this as well: of course, with this fundraiser occurring from November-March, there's always time to send additional donations if you care to. Addresses are in the blog.

Big fan of the walkathons!