Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We're back

We're back from a beautiful vacation in Arizona. While I was gone a number of people reported in their miles. We are adding 57 miles to our journey to Denver. OUTSTANDING. One morning in Arizona Emma joined Grandma Luebke for 1.5 mile walk and they were lucky enough to cross paths with a desert coyote. A memory both of them will cherish I am sure.

A quick health update....
I was a little concerned about heat and sun exposure and how that might effect me. Turns out it didn't effect me at all except to brighten my spirits and take a bit of the pastey white skin away.
Sunshine, everyday.....wow. It was awesome.
On Thursday I have a follow up appointment to see Dr. Cohen. I am still taking 20mg of prednisone and will look to begin the tapering process again with this next visit. It really does make me feel better, though I can not stand the side effects (cravings that are very difficult to get under control and the weight control issues that go with it). I'm sticking with Weight Watchers and although the pounds aren't flying off, thankfully they aren't flying on either.

A update on the tshirt fund raiser....
I am working with my sister-in-law, Meg on the tshirt design and hope to have things finalized by the end of April. At that time I will distribute order forms. Rather than order a large supply upfront and take the chance of having an overflow of inventory, I am going to order what people want. More to follow on that....

Thanks again for checking in.

Quote for the day:

"Happiness depends.../ Less on exterior things than most suppose." -- William Cowper

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