Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just ask...

Good Morning.
I haven't fallen off the planet. I am logging in from my sister Sherry's house in Minnesota.
As hard as it is to admit, or say out loud, I don't have the energy level needed to keep up with Jake and Emma now that they are out of school for the summer. A plan is in place for them to start summer camp through an area park and recreation program next week but this week needed a solution.
Pride went on the back burner and I asked for help.
Guess what happened? I got help.
  1. My mom and dad took care of the driving
  2. My sister and her family and grandpa and grandma are taking a wonderful role in creating some awesome summer memories for them.
  3. I am resting when I need rest
  4. The kids are having a wonderful time

I've had to ask for help more times than I can count over the past year and although it isn't always easy, it has always worked out.

Please don't be too proud to ask for help and support and certainly don't wait until you get sick or are so desperate you have no choice in the matter. If you were meant to do everything by yourself then what is your family for or why were you blessed with those wonderful friends or great coworkers or a supportive church (the list could go on and on) The people that love and care for you really do want to help out. If you have a minute take time to review the lyrics from the song "Lean on Me" this week. I think if you do a google search on "song lyrics" you should be able to find them. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. Have a great day.


1 comment:

Roo (Beth) said...

Hey sis -
I'm glad you had a good time with some rest. It was great to see you and your family again...I hope it's not long before we share some time together again. I know what this Thursday is...and I'm guessing that this year might bring a slight change with the plans for a certain summer festival...but remember their slogan...I think it's pretty cool no matter what your situation is...SMILE ON. YES - I need to remembert that too!!! Love you! Talk to you soon!