Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I've had an ache in my big toe for a couple of months now. Today, however, it was worthy of a trip to the doctor. Could it be the steriods were hiding something? I am willing to tolerate a certain amount of pain in exchange for not taking steriods but I am hoping there is another solution. I had an x-ray done. I will know more tomorrow.
The doctor said it is likely osteoarthritis, could be a bunyon, could be gout (but she doesn't think so because it isn't bright red). There is definitely inflammation.
Her advise until the results are in: Ibuprofen, keep weight off of it, and check out Stan's (good for your feet store).
Shoe shopping, per the doctors orders, what could make a woman happier?
A sale at the shoe store could make me happier, that's what. I'm not used to spending so much money on shoes and then to try and figure out which ones will go with everything because there is no way I am buying more than one pair.
I'm waiting. It is very likely that I will be receiving a cortisone shot in which case my cute shoes and even my not so cute shoes should do just fine.

I told a dear friend I would look for a quote regarding "change" for today. I didn't find what I was looking for but I found this:

"Eat a live toad first thing in the morning and nothing worse can happen to you the rest of the day" -author unknown-

Tomorrow I will tell you about the frog.
Have a great day. Thanks for checking in.

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