Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Put it all into perspective...

I was feeling sorry for myself a few minutes ago. On my way home from dropping Jake off at daycare I envied the people riding their bikes and running. Just two years ago I was running, biking, swimming, and enjoying the excitement of triathlons. That's when it hit me...let's put this all into perspective.
I am not running, but I can walk. I can't walk a 5K but I can walk around the zoo and to the ice cream store with my kids and I couldn't do that last summer.
I am currently able to do one set of 10 arm exercises with three pound hand weights. In April, I could only do three reps. Last summer I wouldn't have been able to close my hand to hold a hand weight.
My goal in this is to live my life as an example for Jake and Emma and anyone else watching. I will show them strength, courage, perservance and what a positive attitude can do for a person.
Today, I hope you are able to put those things that get you down into perspective.

What a blessing today is!

Quote for today:
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1



Anonymous said...

Hi Kris,
Thought I'd try commenting here instead of sending you an email at home.
After reading this latest blog I realize how lucky we are to have you in our lives. Your desire to share, teach, mentor is valued so much....
All I can say is "atta girl!" May we also look on the "bright side of life"!!

Laurie said...

Hello Kris,
You have always been a HUGE inspiration in my life and now even more so!! You are one of the most positive persons I know. Scott's Dad was another one and a total fighter. I will share with you his moto he lived his life by, everyday, it's called Attitude, which I will email to your home address.

Roo (Beth) said...

This is why I call you to talk! You always have some sort of positive spin on crappy things. Thanks for reminding me that everything happens for the reason and it may take a while to figure out what that reason is...but it's there. So thanks! Love Ya! See you next weekend! Yay! -Roo